Tug-of-War of Rizaleños amidst the Pandemic
Challenges arise in battling the COVID-19 pandemic among the stakeholders of
the school community especially to the future RIZALEŇOS.
Aberrant to their normal realm, this unexpected situation has led in shifting to a
new normal learning modality. So, in result many suffered mentally and psychologically
both internal (teaching, non-teaching staff and learners) and external stakeholders
(parents)which have been attributed to one of the factors of declining trend in academic
performance of learners in JRES based on the gathered data reflected in school’s BELCP.
To address the needs of the stakeholders and in line with the DepEd Memorandum
No. 19, s. 2020 re; Creation of a Task Force for the Management of Department of
Education Response to Novel Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Disease, Jose Rizal
Elementary School spearheaded by the school head- Dr. Rolando E. Soriano, conducted
a School-Based Webinar on Mental Health Awareness and Psychological First Aid to
parents/students and personnel. Aspires to provide an understanding on how to maintain
a good mental health and educate them regarding the proper conduct of Psychological
First Aid to support people who have recently experienced a crisis.